Challenge grant for potential Hope Respite Care Expansion

Hope Respite Care is a 32-bed facility for people experiencing homelessness when they are discharged from the hospital or referred by a medical facility for temporary housing during a period of recovery. Hope Respite Care has been operating at near capacity for some time. A person can receive services for up to 90 days based on approvals. Beyond that, while great efforts are made to help the person find permanent housing, housing is often unavailable, and some participants require extended post-hospitalization help.

To accommodate this need, many of the beds in Hope Respite Care have been used to provide extended stays. The result has been that beds are not always available for people when they are discharged from the hospital.

Central California Alliance for Health, our Medi-Cal provider, has offered a challenge grant of 2.5 million dollars towards a 5 million dollar building which would allow for expanded services and 20 studio apartments for permanent supportive housing. The Mission is now seeking funding sources to match this challenge grant.

Please keep this project in your prayers.